God’s Children with a Destiny
Achieve to Succeed, Inc.
Sis. Mary Flowers
Sis. Ann Brown
October 1997, Pastor/Founder the Late Edith Howard spoke a divine word of Knowledge & Word of Wisdom to Mary Flowers and Ann Brown, “to work with the youth at I.F.A. and to become involved in outreach.” “No Prophecy of scripture came by the prophets own interpretation. For Prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” II Peter 1:20-21. The divine instructions guided their paths through countless hours of recruiting efforts to search for young people desiring to express their love, joy, and obedience of God’s Word.
Every Monday night ten faithful members along with Sister Flowers and Sister Brown engaged in Bible study, fellowships, rehearsals and counseling sessions. Presently, God’s Children with a Destiny’s enrollment is a faithful 35.
God’s Children with a Destiny are servants for the Lord, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Their mission has taken them through numerous cities and towns within the State of Louisiana, and has toured Florida, Minnesota, Illinois, Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee. God’s Children with a Destiny have participated in youth rallies, talent extravaganzas, and various outreach programs for the elderly. Stepping for Jesus is not an exhibition of their gifts, but their expression of the Love of God, encouraging others to flee from violence, drugs, and other crime and make a stand for Jesus.
These young people range from age seven and up and are living epistles being read daily as they strive to make a difference.
The members of God’s Children with a Destiny are encouraged to set and achieve high educational and professional goals. The values that are instilled in them enhance their spirit to create and sustain a Godly life. God’s Children with a Destiny aggressively looks for better ways to serve the community. The educational and social experience gained through this ministry has encouraged the youth to know that they can do all things through Christ and only what they do for Christ will last.
Meeting Date and Time: Thursdays: 7:00 p.m.